[jboss-user] [jBPM] - jbpm-5.4.0.Final-installer-full.zip fails to install
Al Koch
2013-08-09 19:27:25 UTC
Al Koch [https://community.jboss.org/people/alkoch] created the discussion

"jbpm-5.4.0.Final-installer-full.zip fails to install"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/832171#832171


I'm new to jBMP and need to evaluate it.  I have purchased the text jBPM 5 Developer Guide by Mauricio Salatino and Esteban Aliverti and am following the instructions in Chapter 4 for installation using jbpm-5.4.0.Final-installer-full.zip:
- I have a fresh Windows 7 machine.
- I have installed the latest Jave EE SDK.
- I have installed the latest Ant.
- I launch the installtion with *+ant install.demo > InstallLog.txt+*.

The installation runs for a while but then terminates with the following:
C:\jbpm-installer>ant install.demo > InstallLog.txt
     [copy] Warning: Could not find file C:\jbpm-installer\db\jbpm-persistence.xml to copy.
     [copy] Warning: Could not find file C:\jbpm-installer\db\task-persistence.xml to copy.
     [copy] Warning: Could not find file C:\jbpm-installer\db\Taskorm.xml to copy.

C:\jbpm-installer\build.xml:254: Can't get http://download.eclipse.org/technology/epp/downloads/release/helios/SR2/eclipse-java-helios-SR2-win32.zip http://download.eclipse.org/technology/epp/downloads/release/helios/SR2/eclipse-java-helios-SR2-win32.zip to C:\jbpm-installer\lib\eclipse-java-helios-SR2-win32.zip

Total time: 2 minutes 5 seconds


I'm not sure how serious the Warnings are but the failure to install Eclipse is fatal.  I assume this error is because Helios is several versions back and is no longer at the supplied URL. Why would the latest installer still reference an out-of-date version of Eclipse?

Can someone please help me with the following:
- How do I get a successful installation?  I'd really prefer to have the current version of Eclipse (Kepler) installed so is it possible to alter the installation to do that?
- How do I resolve the Warnings?
- Once I can get the demo setup and get familar wirth the system I will need to incorporate jBPM into an existing code base managed by Eclipse Kepler.  How do I locate documentation describing how to install the various components (the jBMP Eclipse plugin, the jBMP system itself, the GWT console code and so forth)?

Thank you for your help.

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Maciej Swiderski
2013-08-12 05:22:54 UTC
Maciej Swiderski [https://community.jboss.org/people/swiderski.maciej] created the discussion

"Re: jbpm-5.4.0.Final-installer-full.zip fails to install"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/832237#832237

you can use target install.demo.noeclipse which would not attempt to download and install eclipse at all. Moreover you can download eclipse yourself and the configure it's location in the build.properties so installer will not attempt to download it. Look at the documentation for more details about the installation of various components.

When it comes to eclipse url - jbpm 5.4 was released November 2012 and since eclipse is a 3rd party application (from jbpm point of view) it can guarantee its location as eclipse team might (and did in this case) for the download to a different location.


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Al Koch
2013-08-15 04:01:53 UTC
Al Koch [https://community.jboss.org/people/alkoch] created the discussion

"Re: jbpm-5.4.0.Final-installer-full.zip fails to install"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/832721#832721

Thanks for the suggestion about ".noeclipse".  That let me get the Full Installation to run (less Eclipse, of course!).  It has taken about a  week but I've finally found all the "pieces" to do a "manual" configuration.  The problem has been difficulty in figuring out where to go to get the "building blocks' such as a complete set of all of the run time files.  Various blog postings and forum submission have pointed to files but it seems that links are changing or out of date.  jBPM looks like a great system but, as I saw in numerous postings when I was researching what BPM systems to try out, it is much, much harder to get "up and running" that other BPM systems.

Thanks again for your response.


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Mauricio Salatino
2013-08-15 08:09:23 UTC
Mauricio Salatino [https://community.jboss.org/people/salaboy21] created the discussion

"Re: jbpm-5.4.0.Final-installer-full.zip fails to install"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/832735#832735

We know that there are a lot of pieces, and that's the main reason why we have the jbpm installer.
If the installer has failed because an external file of our control was moveds, the only thing that you need to do is to replace the link in the build.properties file for this one:

http://archive.eclipse.org/technology/epp/downloads/release/helios/SR2/eclipse-java-helios-SR2-win32.zip http://archive.eclipse.org/technology/epp/downloads/release/helios/SR2/eclipse-java-helios-SR2-win32.zip

Notice that this is recommended if you access to the old url, that you have pasted in the first message of the post:

C:\jbpm-installer\build.xml:254: Can't get http://download.eclipse.org/technology/epp/downloads/release/helios/SR2/eclipse-java-helios-SR2-win32.zip http://download.eclipse.org/technology/epp/downloads/release/helios/SR2/eclipse-java-helios-SR2-win32.zip to C:\jbpm-installer\lib\eclipse-java-helios-SR2-win32.zip

If you really need another version of the IDE, you can try the same approach, but in that case we cannot guarrantee that it will work.

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Ashish T
2013-08-13 05:17:55 UTC
Ashish T [https://community.jboss.org/people/ashpcs] created the discussion

"Re: jbpm-5.4.0.Final-installer-full.zip fails to install"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/832425#832425

You can also keep the eclipse in lib folder of full install. Remember that JBPM installer  looks for classic eddition of eclipse and the J2EE. 

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