[jboss-user] [Snowdrop] - Instructions on how to build snowdrop project
Zemian Deng
2012-08-19 19:10:28 UTC
Zemian Deng [https://community.jboss.org/people/saltnlight5] created the discussion

"Instructions on how to build snowdrop project"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/754405#754405

I didn't see clear instruction on how to do this with latest code from GitHub, so I thought I will share with you how to get the latest project compile.

Install Maven 3 and edit your $HOME/.m2/settings.xml to have at least this:


Now get the latest source code

1. cd $HOME/projects
2. git clone https://github.com/snowdrop/snowdrop.git
3. cd snowdrop
4. # Manually edit pom.xml and comment out "<showDeprecation>true</showDeprecation>" from the compiler plugin. This is giving me a compile error.
5. mvn install

That should get you a successful build and place the jars into your local Maven repository.

Zemian Deng

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Darryl Miles
2013-04-09 23:01:04 UTC
Darryl Miles [https://community.jboss.org/people/dlmiles] created the discussion

"Re: Instructions on how to build snowdrop project"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/807308#807308

Great information.

I do no use the <activeByDefault> part and instead in step 5 run the command as `mvn -Pglobal-repos install` this was all my other projects are not affected.

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Joshua Wilson
2013-08-15 16:09:44 UTC
Joshua Wilson [https://community.jboss.org/people/jowilson] created the discussion

"Re: Instructions on how to build snowdrop project"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/832789#832789

I would like to add that there is now an Install option available.

If you go to the Install directory in Snowdrop you can:

Simply, run:
         mvn package -DJBOSS_HOME=/path/to/jboss_home

By default snowdrop version 3.0.1.SNAPSHOT and spring 3.2.3.RELEASE will be installed. To change this simply execute:
         mvn package -P${desired-spring-version} -DJBOSS_HOME=/path/to/jboss_home -Dversion.snowdrop=${desired-snowdrop-version}

There are four possible spring version profiles: spring-2.5, spring-3, spring-3.1, and spring-3.2 (the default).

NOTE: Make sure to pass in -DJBOSS_HOME=/path/to/EAP installation
NOTE: If you are installing a non released version, be sure to mvn clean install on the top level.

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