[jboss-user] [jBPM] - jBPM Console Server can't find WorkItem Handler Implementation
José Tomás Tocino
2013-02-26 11:09:15 UTC
José Tomás Tocino [https://community.jboss.org/people/theom3ga] created the discussion

"jBPM Console Server can't find WorkItem Handler Implementation"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/799582#799582

Hi there.

I'm having a problem trying to run a process that has a Work Item. The server can't find the implementation for the Work Item Handler. These are the steps I follow.

First I create the work item in drools-guvnor, it is called 'Activo1', and it's defined as follows:

import org.drools.process.core.datatype.impl.type.ObjectDataType;
import org.drools.process.core.datatype.impl.type.StringDataType;

    "name" : "Activo1",
    "parameters" : [
              "MyFirstParam" : new StringDataType(),
    "results" : [
        "Result" : new StringDataType()
    "displayName" : "My Task",
    "icon" : "",

Then, I create a simple process with a start event, the work item, and the end event. I build a snapshot of the package and the process appears in the list of available processes in the jbpm-console.

Next, I edit the conf/META-INF/CustomWorkItemHandlers.conf so it looks like this:
  "Log": new org.jbpm.process.instance.impl.demo.SystemOutWorkItemHandler(),
  "Activo1": new defaultPackage.Activo1()

I use ant stop.demo, and then ant start.demo, then I check in the console server war that the CustomWorkItemHandlers file is properly updated. So far it's ok.

For the implementation, I created a folder called 'defaultPackage' and, inside, I create an Activo1.java file with the following contents:

package defaultPackage;

import org.drools.runtime.process.*;

public class Activo1 implements WorkItemHandler{

    public void executeWorkItem(WorkItem workItem, WorkItemManager manager) {
        System.out.println("GOOD BYE WORLD");
        manager.completeWorkItem(workItem.getId(), null);

    public void abortWorkItem (WorkItem workItem, WorkItemManager manager) {
        // Nothing

In order to compile it, I use
javac -cp "runtime/lib/*" defaultPackage/Activo1.java

And in order to create the JAR file I use this:
jar cfe Activo1.jar defaultPackage.Activo1 defaultPackage

The previous two commands may be the part that's wrong, because I'm an absolute java noob.

I copy the JAR file in all the 'lib' folders I come across, namely $installer/lib, $installer/runtime/lib and $installer/jboss[...]/standalone/lib.

When I launch the process in the jbpm console, I get the following error in the SERVER.LOG file:
Could not commit session: org.jbpm.workflow.instance.WorkflowRuntimeException: [defaultPackage.Proceso1:4 - My Task:2] -- Could not find work item handler for Activo1

HOWEVER, If I change the CustomWorkItemHandlers.conf file so it looks like this:
  "Log": new org.jbpm.process.instance.impl.demo.SystemOutWorkItemHandler(),
  "Activo1": new org.jbpm.process.instance.impl.demo.SystemOutWorkItemHandler()

and then I launch the process, the default SystemOut work item handler works OK and I get the following in the LOG file:
[stdout] (http-localhost- Executing work item WorkItem 5 [name=Activo1, state=0, processInstanceId=5, parameters{TaskName=Activo1}]

So the work item definition and the model definition seem to be OK. The problem seems to be in the place or the way the JAR was generated.

Please help!

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