[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Getting jbpm-console to see jbpm designer process
David Harris
2013-04-12 18:59:49 UTC
David Harris [https://community.jboss.org/people/dmwpepper] created the discussion

"Getting jbpm-console to see jbpm designer process"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/808091#808091

HI, I'm looking for documentation on getting processes created in jbpm designer "deployed" so that they can be run by the jbpm console.  It seems like the "Create Snapshot for Deployment" in WebDesigner should put the process in a folder where jbpm Console would see it, but I'm not sure.  Would appreciate a quick pointer to the writeup for how to do this.  Thanks!!

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Maciej Swiderski
2013-04-15 06:07:18 UTC
Maciej Swiderski [https://community.jboss.org/people/swiderski.maciej] created the discussion

"Re: Getting jbpm-console to see jbpm designer process"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/808236#808236

jbpm-console connects to Guvnor to fetch build asets that will be ready for execution. It uses KnowledgeAgent that synchronizes Guvnor repository with jbpm console KnowledgeBase. THere is no need to put anything into a folder on the jbpm console. http://docs.jboss.org/drools/release/5.2.0.Final/drools-guvnor-docs/html/ch09.html Here you can find some details about knowledge agent and http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v5.4/userguide/ch.console.html#d0e4698 here about configuration in jbpm-console.


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David Harris
2013-04-22 14:07:15 UTC
David Harris [https://community.jboss.org/people/dmwpepper] created the discussion

"Re: Getting jbpm-console to see jbpm designer process"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/809589#809589

I checked the Knowledge Agent link and it doesn't tell me know the process I created in Web Designer gets recognized by the JBPM Console. However, even though you said that there is no need to put anything into a folder in the jbpm console, the link you provided seems to say a taskand its configuration needs to be moved into multiple folders. In Chapter 12, it says:

*+For example, suggest [suppose?] you want to use the "Email" service task (that is provided out-of-the-box as an example in the jbpm-workitems module).+*
*+You should put the jbpm-workitems, javax.mail and javax.activation jars in the lib folder of the AS and the include the following two configuration+*
*+files in the META-INF folder in the WEB-INF/classes folder of the server war.+*

Can you or someone lay out actual steps for getting the jbpm-console to recognize and execute a process that has been created in Web Designer?

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Maciej Swiderski
2013-04-22 14:14:46 UTC
Maciej Swiderski [https://community.jboss.org/people/swiderski.maciej] created the discussion

"Re: Getting jbpm-console to see jbpm designer process"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/809593#809593

the comment is true assuming that you have custom requirements, such as email server configuration, custom work item handler, etc, that you need to place on classpath so console can pick them up.

Knowledge Agent is checking based on defined intervals if new packages are available in guvnor, if so it recreates then kbase so new definitions are available. So to make this work you need to build package that includes your processes in Guvnor.


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David Harris
2013-04-22 14:31:16 UTC
David Harris [https://community.jboss.org/people/dmwpepper] created the discussion

"Re: Getting jbpm-console to see jbpm designer process"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/809597#809597

I've created a simple process with 5 or 6 work items that show up under the Service Tasks area. The process was created under a package I created.  In the jBPM console, I see the process I created, but when I try to start the task, I get the following error:

* URL: ' http://localhost:8080/gwt-console-server/rs/process/definition/davespackage.AnalyticServices/new_instance http://localhost:8080/gwt-console-server/rs/process/definition/davespackage.AnalyticServices/new_instance'
* Action: 'org.jboss.bpm.console.client.process.StartNewInstanceAction'
* Exception: 'class com.google.gwt.http.client.RequestException'
HTTP 500: Unknown error

So, it seems like something isn't being picked up by the Knowledge Agent and requires configuring.   What else do I need to do? Sorry, I'm getting confused by the documentation.

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Maciej Swiderski
2013-04-22 14:35:30 UTC
Maciej Swiderski [https://community.jboss.org/people/swiderski.maciej] created the discussion

"Re: Getting jbpm-console to see jbpm designer process"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/809600#809600

could you upload server.log as that might show what is missing, most likely workitemhandler classes if you use service nodes. But just to be sure we could look at server log.

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Maciej Swiderski
2013-04-22 17:33:18 UTC
Maciej Swiderski [https://community.jboss.org/people/swiderski.maciej] created the discussion

"Re: Getting jbpm-console to see jbpm designer process"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/809642#809642

here is the main issue:

Caused by: org.drools.WorkItemHandlerNotFoundException: Could not find work item handler for

which means that you haven't:
* defined name of the task which will be used to execute the work item - most likely your service task - check http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v5.4/userguide/ch.domain-specific-processes.html here
* as you did not define the name most likely you did not register workitem handler for it - check http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v5.4/userguide/ch.console.html#d0e4698 here
* did not provide implementation of the work item handler on consoles classpath - package your handlers as jar and drop them into jbpm-console-server.war/WEB-INF/lib


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David Harris
2013-04-22 20:01:49 UTC
David Harris [https://community.jboss.org/people/dmwpepper] created the discussion

"Re: Getting jbpm-console to see jbpm designer process"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/809668#809668

Not sure what you mean by the name of the task that wll execute the work item.   The work items defined appear as service tasks in the Web Designer Service task area.  For instance, the "IP Conversations" is an entry in my work item definition file, AnalyticServiceDefinitions, a piece of which is below:


import org.drools.process.core.datatype.impl.type.StringDataType;


    "name" : "IP Conversations",
    "parameters" : [
    "Source_IP" : new StringDataType(),
    "Start_Date" : new StringDataType(),
    "End_Date" : new StringDataType()
    "results" : [
        "Source_IPs" : new StringDataType(),
        "Source_Ports" : new StringDataType(),
        "Dest_IPs": new StringDataType(),
        "Dest_Ports": new StringDataType(),
        "Recv_Time"  : new StringDataType()
    "displayName" : "IP Conversations",
    "icon" : "",



The "IP Conversations" work item appear in the Process Designer as a task, as below shows.  :

I've looked for the location of the AnalyticServicesDefinition file.  Where is it?  also, the chapter you pointed me to, Domain-Specific Processes, seems to reference configuration files that are not in the baseline either.  Do I register the AnalyticServicesDefinition file in the directory C:\jBPM\conf\META-INF?  There are two files, there - drools.session.conf and CustomWorkItemHandlers.conf.

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Maciej Swiderski
2013-04-25 08:33:21 UTC
Maciej Swiderski [https://community.jboss.org/people/swiderski.maciej] created the discussion

"Re: Getting jbpm-console to see jbpm designer process"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/810236#810236

David Harris
2013-04-25 14:56:46 UTC
David Harris [https://community.jboss.org/people/dmwpepper] created the discussion

"Re: Getting jbpm-console to see jbpm designer process"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/810352#810352

| . | | | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| 2. | | | <bpmn2:definitions xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.omg.org/bpmn20" xmlns:bpmn2="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL" xmlns:bpmndi="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/DI" xmlns:dc="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DC" xmlns:di="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DI" xmlns:drools="http://www.jboss.org/drools" id="_GGD_0K2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL BPMN20.xsd" targetNamespace="http://www.omg.org/bpmn20"> |
| 3. | | | <bpmn2:itemDefinition id="_carTypeItem" structureRef="String"/> |
| 4. | | | <bpmn2:itemDefinition id="_personItem" structureRef="String"/> |
| 5. | | | <bpmn2:itemDefinition id="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Start_DateInputItem" structureRef="String"/> |
| 6. | | | <bpmn2:itemDefinition id="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_End_DateInputItem" structureRef="String"/> |
| 7. | | | <bpmn2:itemDefinition id="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Source_IPInputItem" structureRef="String"/> |
| 8. | | | <bpmn2:itemDefinition id="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Dest_PortsOutputItem" structureRef="String"/> |
| 9. | | | <bpmn2:itemDefinition id="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Recv_TimeOutputItem" structureRef="String"/> |
| 10. | | | <bpmn2:itemDefinition id="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Source_PortsOutputItem" structureRef="String"/> |
| 11. | | | <bpmn2:itemDefinition id="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Dest_IPsOutputItem" structureRef="String"/> |
| 12. | | | <bpmn2:itemDefinition id="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Source_IPsOutputItem" structureRef="String"/> |
| 13. | | | <bpmn2:process id="davespackage.AnalyticServices" drools:packageName="davespackage" name="AnalyticServices" isExecutable="true"> |
| 14. | | | <bpmn2:property id="carType" itemSubjectRef="_carTypeItem"/> |
| 15. | | | <bpmn2:property id="person" itemSubjectRef="_personItem"/> |
| 16. | | | <bpmn2:startEvent id="_22925227-C1F2-4F76-8A6B-0123E15E3BDC" drools:bgcolor="#9acd32" drools:selectable="true" name=""> |
| 17. | | | <bpmn2:outgoing>_D20E47FF-B3F1-4989-9988-A2E709B93B93</bpmn2:outgoing> |
| 18. | | | </bpmn2:startEvent> |
| 19. | | | <bpmn2:endEvent id="_EB577A02-9620-4004-9721-BF14C6CBF3CF" drools:bgcolor="#ff6347" drools:selectable="true" name=""> |
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| 21. | | | </bpmn2:endEvent> |
| 22. | | | <bpmn2:task id="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173" drools:selectable="true" drools:taskName="IPConversations" name="IP Conversations"> |
| 23. | | | <bpmn2:incoming>_D20E47FF-B3F1-4989-9988-A2E709B93B93</bpmn2:incoming> |
| 24. | | | <bpmn2:outgoing>_E06F341D-7371-4FEC-B02D-23D2E6DE178A</bpmn2:outgoing> |
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| 26. | | | <bpmn2:dataInput id="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_TaskNameInput" name="TaskName"/> |
| 27. | | | <bpmn2:dataInput id="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Start_DateInput" drools:dtype="String" itemSubjectRef="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Start_DateInputItem" name="Start_Date"/> |
| 28. | | | <bpmn2:dataInput id="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_End_DateInput" drools:dtype="String" itemSubjectRef="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_End_DateInputItem" name="End_Date"/> |
| 29. | | | <bpmn2:dataInput id="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Source_IPInput" drools:dtype="String" itemSubjectRef="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Source_IPInputItem" name="Source_IP"/> |
| 30. | | | <bpmn2:dataOutput id="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Dest_PortsOutput" drools:dtype="String" itemSubjectRef="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Dest_PortsOutputItem" name="Dest_Ports"/> |
| 31. | | | <bpmn2:dataOutput id="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Recv_TimeOutput" drools:dtype="String" itemSubjectRef="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Recv_TimeOutputItem" name="Recv_Time"/> |
| 32. | | | <bpmn2:dataOutput id="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Source_PortsOutput" drools:dtype="String" itemSubjectRef="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Source_PortsOutputItem" name="Source_Ports"/> |
| 33. | | | <bpmn2:dataOutput id="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Dest_IPsOutput" drools:dtype="String" itemSubjectRef="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Dest_IPsOutputItem" name="Dest_IPs"/> |
| 34. | | | <bpmn2:dataOutput id="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Source_IPsOutput" drools:dtype="String" itemSubjectRef="__E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Source_IPsOutputItem" name="Source_IPs"/> |
| 35. | | | <bpmn2:inputSet id="_GGD_0q2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 36. | | | <bpmn2:dataInputRefs>_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Start_DateInput</bpmn2:dataInputRefs> |
| 37. | | | <bpmn2:dataInputRefs>_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_End_DateInput</bpmn2:dataInputRefs> |
| 38. | | | <bpmn2:dataInputRefs>_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Source_IPInput</bpmn2:dataInputRefs> |
| 39. | | | <bpmn2:dataInputRefs>_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_TaskNameInput</bpmn2:dataInputRefs> |
| 40. | | | </bpmn2:inputSet> |
| 41. | | | <bpmn2:outputSet id="_GGD_062nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 42. | | | <bpmn2:dataOutputRefs>_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Dest_PortsOutput</bpmn2:dataOutputRefs> |
| 43. | | | <bpmn2:dataOutputRefs>_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Recv_TimeOutput</bpmn2:dataOutputRefs> |
| 44. | | | <bpmn2:dataOutputRefs>_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Source_PortsOutput</bpmn2:dataOutputRefs> |
| 45. | | | <bpmn2:dataOutputRefs>_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Dest_IPsOutput</bpmn2:dataOutputRefs> |
| 46. | | | <bpmn2:dataOutputRefs>_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Source_IPsOutput</bpmn2:dataOutputRefs> |
| 47. | | | </bpmn2:outputSet> |
| 48. | | | </bpmn2:ioSpecification> |
| 49. | | | <bpmn2:dataInputAssociation id="_GGD_1K2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 50. | | | <bpmn2:targetRef>_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_TaskNameInput</bpmn2:targetRef> |
| 51. | | | <bpmn2:assignment id="_GGEm4K2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 52. | | | <bpmn2:from xsi:type="bpmn2:tFormalExpression" id="_GGEm4a2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g">IPConversations</bpmn2:from> |
| 53. | | | <bpmn2:to xsi:type="bpmn2:tFormalExpression" id="_GGEm4q2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g">_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_TaskNameInput</bpmn2:to> |
| 54. | | | </bpmn2:assignment> |
| 55. | | | </bpmn2:dataInputAssociation> |
| 56. | | | <bpmn2:dataInputAssociation id="_GGEm462nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 57. | | | <bpmn2:targetRef>_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Start_DateInput</bpmn2:targetRef> |
| 58. | | | <bpmn2:assignment id="_GGEm5K2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 59. | | | <bpmn2:from xsi:type="bpmn2:tFormalExpression" id="_GGEm5a2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"></bpmn2:from> |
| 60. | | | <bpmn2:to xsi:type="bpmn2:tFormalExpression" id="_GGEm5q2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g">_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_Start_DateInput</bpmn2:to> |
| 61. | | | </bpmn2:assignment> |
| 62. | | | </bpmn2:dataInputAssociation> |
| 63. | | | <bpmn2:dataInputAssociation id="_GGEm562nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 64. | | | <bpmn2:targetRef>_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_End_DateInput</bpmn2:targetRef> |
| 65. | | | <bpmn2:assignment id="_GGEm6K2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 66. | | | <bpmn2:from xsi:type="bpmn2:tFormalExpression" id="_GGEm6a2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"></bpmn2:from> |
| 67. | | | <bpmn2:to xsi:type="bpmn2:tFormalExpression" id="_GGEm6q2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g">_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173_End_DateInput</bpmn2:to> |
| 68. | | | </bpmn2:assignment> |
| 69. | | | </bpmn2:dataInputAssociation> |
| 70. | | | </bpmn2:task> |
| 71. | | | <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="_D20E47FF-B3F1-4989-9988-A2E709B93B93" drools:bgcolor="#000000" drools:selectable="true" sourceRef="_22925227-C1F2-4F76-8A6B-0123E15E3BDC" targetRef="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173"/> |
| 72. | | | <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="_E06F341D-7371-4FEC-B02D-23D2E6DE178A" drools:bgcolor="#000000" drools:selectable="true" sourceRef="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173" targetRef="_EB577A02-9620-4004-9721-BF14C6CBF3CF"/> |
| 73. | | | </bpmn2:process> |
| 74. | | | <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="_GGEm662nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 75. | | | <bpmndi:BPMNPlane id="_GGEm7K2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g" bpmnElement="davespackage.AnalyticServices"> |
| 76. | | | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="_GGEm7a2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g" bpmnElement="_22925227-C1F2-4F76-8A6B-0123E15E3BDC"> |
| 77. | | | <dc:Bounds height="30.0" width="30.0" x="60.0" y="143.0"/> |
| 78. | | | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 79. | | | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="_GGEm7q2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g" bpmnElement="_EB577A02-9620-4004-9721-BF14C6CBF3CF"> |
| 80. | | | <dc:Bounds height="28.0" width="28.0" x="329.0" y="143.0"/> |
| 81. | | | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 82. | | | <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="_GGEm762nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g" bpmnElement="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173"> |
| 83. | | | <dc:Bounds height="80.0" width="100.0" x="154.0" y="118.0"/> |
| 84. | | | </bpmndi:BPMNShape> |
| 85. | | | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="_GGEm8K2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g" bpmnElement="_D20E47FF-B3F1-4989-9988-A2E709B93B93"> |
| 86. | | | <di:waypoint xsi:type="dc:Point" x="75.0" y="158.0"/> |
| 87. | | | <di:waypoint xsi:type="dc:Point" x="204.0" y="158.0"/> |
| 88. | | | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 89. | | | <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="_GGEm8a2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g" bpmnElement="_E06F341D-7371-4FEC-B02D-23D2E6DE178A"> |
| 90. | | | <di:waypoint xsi:type="dc:Point" x="204.0" y="158.0"/> |
| 91. | | | <di:waypoint xsi:type="dc:Point" x="343.0" y="157.0"/> |
| 92. | | | </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> |
| 93. | | | </bpmndi:BPMNPlane> |
| 94. | | | </bpmndi:BPMNDiagram> |
| 95. | | | <bpmn2:relationship id="_GGEm8q2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 96. | | | <bpmn2:extensionElements> |
| 97. | | | <drools:ProcessAnalysisData> |
| 98. | | | <drools:Scenario xsi:type="drools:Scenario" id="default" name="Simulationscenario"> |
| 99. | | | <drools:ScenarioParameters xsi:type="drools:ScenarioParameters_._type" baseTimeUnit="s"/> |
| 100. | | | <drools:ElementParameters xsi:type="drools:ElementParameters_._type" elementId="_E06F341D-7371-4FEC-B02D-23D2E6DE178A" id="_GGEm862nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 101. | | | <drools:ControlParameters xsi:type="drools:ControlParameters"> |
| 102. | | | <drools:Probability xsi:type="drools:Parameter"> |
| 103. | | | <drools:FloatingParameter value="100.0"/> |
| 104. | | | </drools:Probability> |
| 105. | | | </drools:ControlParameters> |
| 106. | | | </drools:ElementParameters> |
| 107. | | | <drools:ElementParameters xsi:type="drools:ElementParameters_._type" elementId="_EB577A02-9620-4004-9721-BF14C6CBF3CF" id="_GGEm9K2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 108. | | | <drools:TimeParameters xsi:type="drools:TimeParameters"> |
| 109. | | | <drools:ProcessingTime xsi:type="drools:Parameter"> |
| 110. | | | <drools:RandomDistribution max="0.0" min="0.0"/> |
| 111. | | | </drools:ProcessingTime> |
| 112. | | | <drools:TimeUnit>ms</drools:TimeUnit> |
| 113. | | | </drools:TimeParameters> |
| 114. | | | </drools:ElementParameters> |
| 115. | | | <drools:ElementParameters xsi:type="drools:ElementParameters_._type" elementId="_D20E47FF-B3F1-4989-9988-A2E709B93B93" id="_GGEm9a2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 116. | | | <drools:ControlParameters xsi:type="drools:ControlParameters"> |
| 117. | | | <drools:Probability xsi:type="drools:Parameter"> |
| 118. | | | <drools:FloatingParameter value="100.0"/> |
| 119. | | | </drools:Probability> |
| 120. | | | </drools:ControlParameters> |
| 121. | | | </drools:ElementParameters> |
| 122. | | | <drools:ElementParameters xsi:type="drools:ElementParameters_._type" elementId="_22925227-C1F2-4F76-8A6B-0123E15E3BDC" id="_GGEm9q2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 123. | | | <drools:TimeParameters xsi:type="drools:TimeParameters"> |
| 124. | | | <drools:WaitTime xsi:type="drools:Parameter"> |
| 125. | | | <drools:FloatingParameter value="0.0"/> |
| 126. | | | </drools:WaitTime> |
| 127. | | | <drools:TimeUnit>ms</drools:TimeUnit> |
| 128. | | | </drools:TimeParameters> |
| 129. | | | </drools:ElementParameters> |
| 130. | | | <drools:ElementParameters xsi:type="drools:ElementParameters_._type" elementId="_E0BC6111-DD13-4776-8CF6-AE9943206173" id="_GGEm962nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g"> |
| 131. | | | <drools:TimeParameters xsi:type="drools:TimeParameters"> |
| 132. | | | <drools:ProcessingTime xsi:type="drools:Parameter"> |
| 133. | | | <drools:RandomDistribution max="0.0" min="0.0"/> |
| 134. | | | </drools:ProcessingTime> |
| 135. | | | <drools:TimeUnit>ms</drools:TimeUnit> |
| 136. | | | </drools:TimeParameters> |
| 137. | | | <drools:CostParameters xsi:type="drools:CostParameters"> |
| 138. | | | <drools:UnitCost xsi:type="drools:Parameter"> |
| 139. | | | <drools:DecimalParameter value="0"/> |
| 140. | | | </drools:UnitCost> |
| 141. | | | </drools:CostParameters> |
| 142. | | | </drools:ElementParameters> |
| 143. | | | </drools:Scenario> |
| 144. | | | </drools:ProcessAnalysisData> |
| 145. | | | </bpmn2:extensionElements> |
| 146. | | | <bpmn2:source>_GGD_0K2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g</bpmn2:source> |
| 147. | | | <bpmn2:target>_GGD_0K2nEeKAYpCGrDuH7g</bpmn2:target> |
| 148. | | | </bpmn2:relationship> |
| 149. | | | </bpmn2:definitions> |


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