[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Can not fire a rule
Dmitry Erkin
2013-01-05 18:20:40 UTC
Dmitry Erkin [https://community.jboss.org/people/dmitry.erkin] created the discussion

"Can not fire a rule"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/787997#787997


Here is my first JBPM sample process whose purpose is to fire the simple rule:

<process processType="Private" isExecutable="true" id="com.sample.bpmn" name="Sample Process" tns:packageName="defaultPackage" >

     <tns:import name="defaultPackage.Person" />
    <!-- process variables -->
    <property id="p" itemSubjectRef="_pItem"/>

    <!-- nodes -->
    <startEvent id="_1" name="StartProcess" />
    <endEvent id="_3" name="End" >
        <terminateEventDefinition />
    <scriptTask id="_4" name="Create new person" scriptFormat=" http://www.java.com/java http://www.java.com/java" >
      <script>*p = new Person("john", 19);*</script>
    <scriptTask id="_6" name="Add the fact that new person is created" scriptFormat=" http://www.java.com/java http://www.java.com/java" >
    <businessRuleTask id="_7" name="Fire rules" g:ruleFlowGroup="*test*" >

    <!-- connections -->
    <sequenceFlow id="_7-_3" sourceRef="_7" targetRef="_3" />
    <sequenceFlow id="_1-_4" sourceRef="_1" targetRef="_4" />
    <sequenceFlow id="_4-_6" sourceRef="_4" targetRef="_6" />
    <sequenceFlow id="_6-_7" sourceRef="_6" targetRef="_7" />


Here is the simple rule which is supposed to be fired:

package defaultPackage

rule "test.Rule1"

ruleflow-group "*test*"

        $p : Person()
        System.out.println( "Person " + $p );


Nothing hapens when I start an instance of my sample process. I mean the server log does not have "Person " string.
What is wrong with my sample?

Dmitry Erkin

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